Course guidelines for second semester 2022
The UJCI has released its course guidelines for the second semester of 2022. This will comprise credit courses in Basic Mandarin and Intermediate Mandarin (open to UJ students only), HSK Chinese language proficiency courses 1-6 (open to all, including UJ students and staff), and Chinese Culture courses. The guidelines contain more detailed information about the courses, the timetables, as well as application and registration procedures. All course will be taught online.
Applications for credit courses (Basic Mandarin and Intermediate Mandarin) will open on 18 July 2022 and close on 5 August 2022. Applications for the HSK Mandarin courses and Chinese Culture courses have opened and will also close on 5 August 2022.
Credit courses in Mandarin
The Basic Mandarin course is designed to introduce students with little or no knowledge of Chinese language to the fundamentals of Mandarin. It will be taught online in two sessions a week over a 15-week period from 8 August 2022 to 16 November 2022.
The Intermediate Mandarin course is designed for students who have completed Basic Mandarin or have some prior knowledge of Chinese language and culture, and focuses on grammar, Chinese characters, and oral discourse about situations in daily life. It will be taught online in two sessions a week over a 15-week period from 9 August 2022 to 17 November 2022.
The University of Johannesburg has approved the UJCI’s Basic Mandarin and Intermediate Mandarin courses as credit courses. As a result, the UJCI will set examinations for both courses.
HSK Mandarin courses
The UJCI will also offer online courses aimed at preparing students for HSK, the official international tests of Chinese language proficiency for non-native speakers. HSK 1-6 courses will be offered, preparing students for six HSK test levels.
HSK Mandarin 1 is designed for fresh starters. Students will learn Pinyin (the Chinese phonetic system), simple characters, as well as basic grammar. This course will prepare students for passing HSK 1. It will be taught online every Saturday over 15 weeks from 13 August 2022 to 19 November 2022.
HSK Mandarin 2-6 are designed for students with rising levels of proficiency, and will prepare them for passing HSK 2-6. Each course will cover the relevant HSK test structure as well as vocabulary, topics and grammar. These course will be taught online in two sessions a week over 15 weeks, from 13 August 2022 to 19 November 2022.
The UJCI will only provide training and not the tests themselves, which are set by Chinese Testing International. Should you wish to take the tests in order to obtain the official certificates, please contact us and we will provide you with the necessary information.
Courses in Chinese culture
Registration and course fees
All online teaching will be free of charge, and due to COVID-19 no registration fees will be payable.
Complete guidelines
To download the complete course guidelines, plus the registration procedures and timetables, click on the button below.